Scope and Sniffer Traces
Scope and Sniffer Traces
Thomas Watteyne
Thomas Watteyne
Owned by Thomas Watteyne
Unless stated otherwise, traces (both GoLogic and sniffer) are gathered on the very simple 2-mote setup depicted below.
Both motes run the same OpenWSN code, which includes the IEEE802.15.4e reference implementation.
- Mote
is the time parent of the "network"; - Mote
synchronizes to that neighbor.
GoLogic traces are gathered using a GoLogic logic analyzer. 6 channels as used per mote. The upper 6 channels are connected to mote 1, the lower 6 channels are connected to mote 2. Mote 1 is the time master of the network; mote 2 synchronizes to that parent.
The four lower channels of each group of 6 (labelled fsm
, task
, isr
, radio
) correspond to the traces with the same name (and color) define in the state machine.
- before_connected.prj is described in TschSynchronization.
- nine_slots_final.prj is described in TschSynchronization and TschTiming.
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