IETF90 plugfest

IETF90 plugfest

Following the success of the IETF89 plugfest, the 6TiSCH6lo and ROLL working groups jointly hosted the LLN plugfest during the IETF90 standardization meeting on 20 July 2014, in Toronto, Canada.

10 days before the event, the OpenWSN team started a programming challenge to implement and show the following drafts at the plugfest:

And it worked!

The co-chairs of the plugfest were Ines Robles and Xavier Vilajosana.

The plugfest was a huge success, with the following teams presenting:

Cisco System and Linear Technology/Dust Networks

  • Who:
    • Pascal Thubert, Cisco Systems
    • Thomas Watteyne, Linear Technology, Dust Networks Product Group
  • Demo:
    • Two Linear Technology SmartMesh IP networks federated by two Cisco backbone routers
  • Related IETF documents:
    • draft-thubert-6lowpan-backbone-router-03
    • draft-ietf-6tisch-architecture-03
  • For more information:


UC Berkeley's OpenWSN

  • Who (alphabetically):
  • Demo:
    • A heterogeneous 10-mote wireless mesh network implementing IEEE802.15.4e TSCH, RPL, CoAP, as well as the latest drafts produced in the 6TiSCH working group (see below!)
  • Related IETF documents:
    • draft-ietf-6tisch-minimal-02
    • draft-wang-6tisch-6top-sublayer-01
    • draft-dujovne-6tisch-on-the-fly-03
    • draft-thubert-6man-flow-label-for-rpl-03



  • A provider of open hardware for the Internet of Things, the home of the OpenMote
  • Who:
  • Demo:
    • OpenWSN on the OpenMoteCC2538
    • FreeRTOS on the OpenMoteCC2358
    • OpenMote as a sniffer

      The OpenMoteCC2538 is fully already supported by OpenWSN!

  • For more information:


Inria and FIT-IoT


  • The friendly Operating System for the Internet of Things
  • Who:
  • Demo:
    • Demonstration of OpenWSN running in RIOT

      the OpenWSN and RIOT teams are currently working together to easily integrate the OpenWSN protocol stack with the RIOT operating system

6LoWPAN MIB demonstration

  • Who:
  • Demo:
    • An implementation of the 6LoWPAN MIB
    • showed how to access the counters via a Contiki SNMP implementation and Contiki’s CoAP implementation
  • Related IETF documents:
    • draft-ietf-6lo-lowpan-mib


IEEE802.15.4e Wireshark dissector

Want to help? Contact Vincent Ladeveze!



The plugfest started by each team presenting a few slides about the demo they were about to present:

It then continued by a live demonstration by each team.

The plugfest concluded by the co-chairs handing out certificates of participation:

So what did the OpenWSN team show exactly?

The OpenWSN team showed off everything it had implemented during the "IETF90 plugfest programming challenge":

A multi-hop topology was forced during the event (by editing the topology.c file), resulting in:

10 OpenMoteCC2538 motes were plugged in a USB hubforming the following multi-hop topology

In detail:

  • 10 motes were placed on a table and switched on
  • They are programmed with firmware which forces multi-hop connectivity (through a "switch" statement in topology.c)
  • Mote 97 is configured as DAGroot by the OpenVisualizer
  • The motes synchronize to the DAGroot and form a multi-hop network.
  • The TSCH schedule used by the network is similar to the one defined in draft-ietf-6tisch-minimal-02.
  • All upstream packets contains the flow label defined in draft-thubert-6man-flow-label-for-rpl-03.
  • The ietf90client application on the computer is used to trigger a mote in the network to negotiate a cell with its neighbor, using draft-wang-6tisch-6top-sublayer-01.
  • On-The-Fly scheduling (per draft-dujovne-6tisch-on-the-fly-03) is used to negotiate cells over the multi-hop link to the DAGroot.

The OpenWSN team members which have participated to this plugfest are (alphabetically):


built the ietf90client Python application and the associated firmware application.


implemented draft-ietf-6tisch-minimal-02. He also created and tested the demo setup.
worked on the OpenWSN port on the OpenMoteCC2538.

implemented draft-wang-6tisch-6top-sublayer-01.
implemented draft-dujovne-6tisch-on-the-fly-03.
built the enhanced web interface for the OpenVisualizer.
implemented draft-thubert-6man-flow-label-for-rpl-03.

Below are some additional picture for you entertainment: