- Update port for nRF52840-DKFW-893Tengfei Chang
- Update SCuM portFW-892
- Introducing 6DYN: 6TiSCH with Heterogneous Slot DurationsFW-891Mina Rady
- Simple relayFW-890Mina Rady
- openwsn port to stm32f103vet development board can not organize the networkFW-889Tengfei Chang
- csensors app not supported, not part of the buildFW-888
- openmote projects can't be compiled and linked with IAR compilerFW-887Timothy Claeys
- Port to Python3COAP-46Mališa Vučinić
- linking: fails when printf is activated in SconscriptFW-886
- Channel switching period for listening EB is too shortFW-885Tengfei Chang
- Boards no longer supported by the MACFW-884Tengfei Chang
- Fix drv_openserial project compilation errorFW-883Resolved issue: FW-883Tengfei Chang
- Create a radio ble bsp project for nrf52840 to transmit/receive ibeacon frame.FW-882Resolved issue: FW-882Tengfei Chang
- openv-server: hangs on init if invalid --rootSW-322Resolved issue: SW-322
- openvisualizer: specify openwsn-coap versionSW-321Resolved issue: SW-321
- Enforce coding style with uncrustifyFW-881Timothy Claeys
- Update OSCORE implementation to RFC8613FW-880Mališa Vučinić
- Can't run openv-serial comand when installing Openvisualizer with `pip install .`SW-320Resolved issue: SW-320
- Improve IoT-LAB SupportSW-319
- Update OSCORE implementation to RFC8613COAP-45Resolved issue: COAP-45Mališa Vučinić
- Use 32k Timer to drive RFTimer for SCuM port, instead the 500kHz down converted from 20MHz HFCLKFW-879Tengfei Chang
- Socket support for OpenWSNFW-878Timothy Claeys
- Heterogeneous radio settings in the MeshFW-877Mina Rady
- Create a bsp project to let OpenMote-B send temperature data periodicallyFW-876Resolved issue: FW-876Tengfei Chang
- 30-seconds TIMEOUT is not enough to receive the response message after programming openmote-b over opentestbedFW-875Resolved issue: FW-875Tengfei Chang
- SPI_TXRX for SX1276 moduleFW-874
- Refactoring of the OpenVisualizer package.SW-318Resolved issue: SW-318Timothy Claeys
- mac_pong project doesn't send packet back and force between two mote.FW-873Resolved issue: FW-873Tengfei Chang
- Check out OpenMote-CC2538 ISR whether the ISR returns KICK_SCHEDULER or DO_NOT_KICK_SCHEDULERFW-872Tengfei Chang
- Standalone SPI project for openmote-BFW-871
- Radio Debug Pins do not toggle on LAFW-870Resolved issue: FW-870
- MACPONG fails to show a transmission with ACKFW-869Resolved issue: FW-869Tengfei Chang
- Jenkins builder failed on IAR projectsFW-868
- OpenWSN Core stack + Optional modulesFW-867Resolved issue: FW-867Timothy Claeys
- Open Radio Interface for Openmote-bFW-866Mina Rady
- Change the builder jobs for OpenWSN repositories, FW and OV to an organization jobADM-76Tengfei Chang
- Fix the IAR project compiling errorFW-865Tengfei Chang
- pass the port for the dagroot as argument on the command lineSW-317Resolved issue: SW-317Former user
- Bug fixes for the packet checksum calculation functionFW-864Timothy Claeys
- Openvisualizer crashes when MQTT connection failsSW-316Resolved issue: SW-316Timothy Claeys
- 6LoWPAN fragmentation (SW openvisualizer implementation)SW-315Resolved issue: SW-315Timothy Claeys
- QuickCal implementation for SCuMFW-862Resolved issue: FW-862Tengfei Chang
- Enable FSK-FEC 25kbps for TSCH link using 160ms slot durationFW-861Resolved issue: FW-861Mina Rady
- downward routingSW-314
- Atmel AT86RF215 for OpenWSN on openmote-bFW-860Resolved issue: FW-860Mina Rady
- Modify bsp_radio_rx project to print out pkt info including frequency offsetFW-859Resolved issue: FW-859Tengfei Chang
- Add downstream traffic adaptation info in uinject payloadFW-858Resolved issue: FW-858Tengfei Chang
- Fixing the build error for the IAR projects of all board (except openmote-b-24ghz)FW-857Tengfei Chang
- encryption keys unitialized, that block the EB transmissionFW-856Resolved issue: FW-856Former user
- Critical error: wrong addr type error makes motes reset.FW-855Resolved issue: FW-855Tengfei Chang
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