Using the eBox

This is our preferred OpenLBR hardware. This fanless computer is intended to be mounted behind monitors in airports. It contains a 1GHz processor, and comes in many flavors (see  list ). All can run Windows XP and Linux. We are using the eBox-3300 (256MB RAM) and the eBox-3310-L2 (512MB RAM, 2xLAN, 2xRS-232).

Debian 5 installation on the eBox-3300

Debian 5 runs on the eBox-3300, but there are a few tricks you need to follow to have everything working. It took us some time to figure all of them out, so please follow the steps below carefully before contacting us. Note that the manufacturer has also put an  installation tutorial for Debian 4, but which is less complete than the instructions below.

If you find a mistake in the steps below, please contact Thomas Watteyne.

The following instructions are really detailed on purpose; there is, however, nothing complicated about them. Installing everything should take about 2 hours of your time.

Step 1: prepare for installation

Note: it is important for your Compact Flash card to be formatted. It doesn't matter what format you're using, but there should be no Operating System on there your eBox can understand and boot on. Sure, you can play with the BIOS settings to force the eBox to boot on the CD, but the easiest way is simply to erase the Operating System from the Compact Flash card, if there is one on there.

Step 2: install Debian 5 "out-of-the-box"


Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 localhost tty1

locahost login:

Step 3: updating to a new kernel

The kernel which the Debian installer installed provides no support for the Ethernet card of the eBox (the kernel module which is missing is called r6040.ko). You hence have to replace the kernel with a better and newer one. The easiest option is to use one from

# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
# cp /mnt/linux-image- /tmp/
# umount /mnt/
# cd /tmp/
# dpkg -i linux-image-
# rm linux-image-
# cd /boot/
# mkinitramfs -o initrd.img-
# update-grub
# vim /boot/grub/menu.lst
title		Debian GNU/Linux, kernel
root		(hd0,0)
kernel		/boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hdc1 ro all_generic_ide 
initrd		/boot/initrd.img-

title		Debian GNU/Linux, kernel (single-user mode)
root		(hd0,0)
kernel		/boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hdc1 ro all_generic_ide single
initrd		/boot/initrd.img-


title		Debian GNU/Linux, kernel
root		(hd0,0)
kernel		/boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda1 ro all_generic_ide 
initrd		/boot/initrd.img-

title		Debian GNU/Linux, kernel (single-user mode)
root		(hd0,0)
kernel		/boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda1 ro all_generic_ide single
initrd		/boot/initrd.img-

This is because in this new kernel, your Compact Flash is called sda1, not hdc1. Also, your USB key, which used to be called sda1, is not called sdb1.

# shutdown -r now

Step 4: finalizing the installation

There are a number of administrative tasks to do:

That's it, you now have a working eBox with a recent kernel. The command free tells you that it is running with 23MB of RAM; the command df tells your that you're using 384MB of hard-drive.

Using the Linksys NLSU2

This is the old method we used. The NSLU2 is not manufactured anymore, and the eBox 3300 is better and cheaper hardware. This device is initially a used to share USB hard drives onto a Windows network. A community of enthusiasts have ported several flavors of Linux onto that platform, turning it into a small computer.

If everything works, go on to Set Up Tunneling.