Introduction to CORECONF
Ganesh Bhat, M., Bhattacharjee, S., G¨undo˘gan, C., Alexandris, K.,
and Gogolev, A., “CORECONF, NETCONF, and RESTCONF: Benchmarking
Network Orchestration in Constrained IIoT devices,” TechRxiv
Preprint, 08 2023.Karaagac, A., De Poorter, E., and Hoebeke, J., “In-Band Network
Telemetry in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Transactions
on Network and Service Management, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 517–531, 2020.Static Context Header Compression - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZClHJ8d5GQ
What state-of-the-art implementations of CORECONF do exist?
Saif, D. and Matrawy, A., “A Proposal and Experimental Evaluation
Towards Mass Configuration of Heterogeneous IIoT Nodes,” TechRxiv
Preprint, 08 2023 (https://www.techrxiv.org/users/692470/articles/682590/master/file/data/saifQuicIoTManagement2/saifQuicIoTManagement2.pdf?inline=true)“CoMI had little use because its specification was still under draft, and no open-source implementations existed at the time. Since Sinche et al.’s survey, CoMI was renamed to CORECONF and its working group have a GitHub project1 which does not appear to be ready for production use”
What are use-cases of CORECONF in the context of APM ?
Secutrity Aspects
How does CORECONF interplay with OSCORE?
Is managing a device via CORECONF secure?
Attendees, Background and Goals