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About Me (Sven Akkermans)


I'm a PhD researcher at iMinds-DistriNet Research Group (Department of Computer Science at KU Leuven) as part of the Networked Embedded Software taskforce.

My current research consists of porting OpenWSN to the AVR-GCC toolchain and the Zigduino, an Arduino-compatible μC platform (128kB Flash, 16kB RAM, Atmega128RFA1, AT86RF231 radio). This is further documented here.

This is to enable further developments on this platform. Future ideas include implementing a cross-layer optimized multicast on TSCH and developing a secure OS for embedded systems through a JVM.

Previous research includes implementing efficient pub/sub communications through multicast for embedded systems.

My promotor is Professor Danny Hughes. Our team is working mostly on LooCI and μPnP (which has been awarded third place in the international IPSO Challenge competition). 

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