

OpenVM is a virtual machine customized by OpenWSN team. The virtual machine contains all openwsn dependencies. OpenVM is designed for virtualbox and automatically generated by openwsn jenkins builder. This page is documented for the software and toolchains installed on OpenVM.

OpenVM is generated based on vagranta tool for building complete development environments.

OpenWSN source code

  • openwsn/openwsn-fw
  • openwsn/openwsn-sw
  • coap


  • git 
  • python-dev

  • scons

  • python-pip

  • bottle (installed through pip)

  • PyDispatcher (installed through pip)

  • intelhex (installed through pip)
  • wireshark

  • gcc-arm-none-eabi( add-apt-repository ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded)

  • gcc-msp430  (command sudo apt-get install gcc-msp430)

How to create openvm

Downloading and install software

The following software need to be downloaded for creating openvm:

Create openvm with Vagrant

There are two ways to create openvm virtual machine. 

using Vagrantfile

The Vagrantfile for openwsn (https://github.com/openwsn-berkeley/OpenVM) contains instructions that what software the virtual machine will install. You can create openvm through vagrant depending on this file. Type following commands in commandline to create openvm virtual machine.

git clone https://github.com/openwsn-berkeley/openvm.git  # download the vagrant file
cd openvm   
vagrant up  # start the virtual machine
vagrant ssh # login the virtual machine

using openvm.box

The openvm.box is a box file created by the openwsn builder and you can download it through here. It's a virtual machine which already having openwsn dependencies installed. Assuming the openvm.box is downloaded to a folder called openvm. To use this virtual machine,  type following commands in command line under openvm directory to run the virtual machine.

vagrant box add openvm openvm.box # add the box into vagrant
vagrant init openvm   # create Vagrantfile for openvm
vagrant up   # start the virtual machine
vagrant ssh  # login the virtual machine

when starting up the virtual machine, if you stuck at

default: SSH address:
default: SSH username: vagrant
default: SSH auth method: private key

This may cause by VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration is not available on your system. Your 64-bit quest will fail to detect a 64-bit CPU and will not be able to boot. To solve that, Verify the virtualization extensions are enabled in BIOS. The BIOS settings for Intel® VT or AMD-V are usually in the Chipset or Processor menus. The menu names may vary from this guide, the virtualization extension settings may be found in Security Settings or other non standard menu names.


Handy Commands

Here are some handy command I used during create OpenVM. They may help you to manage with your virtual machines. Also in case I forgot them.


vboxmanage list vms #list all virtual machine
vboxmanage unregistervm "vm_name" --delete # unregister a virtual machine and remove all related file (for clean up)
vagrant global-status # check global running vagrant instance






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