XBee-compatible API Format
XBee-compatible API Format
General Frame Format
Start Delimiter | Length of Frame Data | Frame Data | Checksum | |
0x7E | MSB | LSB | 0xFF - (SUM(All Frame Data Bytes) % 256) |
Except for the start delimiter, the following substitutions must be made before sending:
Raw Byte | Replacement Bytes |
0x7E | 0x7D 0x5E |
0x7D | 0x7D 0x5D |
0x11 | 0x7D 0x31 |
0x13 | 0x7D 0x33 |
Note that the first byte is the escape character 0x7D and the second is the original byte XOR'd with 0x20.
Supported Frames : Messages from Host to OpenMote
Transmit Request - 0x10
Frame Type (1B) | Frame ID (1B) | Destination Address Long (8B) | Destination Address Short (2B) | Broadcast Radius (1B) | Options (1B) | Data Packet (N/A) |
0x10 | 0 : No response created. 1-255 : Host will respond with this frame ID in the response. | 0 : Send to coordinator / sink. 0xFFFF : Broadcast. Other : Lowest 64-bits of IPv6 Destination Address. | 0xFFFE : Send to 8B destination (preferred) Other : 802.15.4 16-bit destination address.
| 0 : Maximum number of hops for broadcast. 1-255 : Number of hops in a broadcast message. | Disabled | Data to send |
Supported Frames : Messages from OpenMote to Host
Receive Packet - 0x90
Frame Type (1B) | Source Address Long (8B) | Source Address Short (2B) | Flags (1B) | Data Packet (N/A) |
0x90 | 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF : Unknown Other : Lowest 64-bits of IPv6 sender address | 802.15.4 16-bit sender address | Bitmask of: 0x02 : Packet was a broadcast | Data that was received |