
Source Code

All the source code of the OpenWSN project lives at

homepageGit URLdescription stuff that runs on a mote software: stuff that runs on a computer hardware: boards and other designs utilities: stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else

GitHub Interface

If you don't want to install Git, you can use the web interface to:

Download Using Git

Using Git, you will be able to update your copy of the code easily. You need to use Git if you plan on contributing to the project.

Prepare GitHub

For authentication, GitHub requires you to create a public/private key pair on your computer, and upload your public key.

We recommend using PuTTYgen, a utility of the popular PuTTY SSH client.

  1. Download puttygen.exe from

  2. Follow the steps highlighted in the following pictures. You should end up with a public and private key.

Linux typically comes with the tools to manage (and create) public/private keys.


  1. Open a terminal
  2. Create a public/private pair of ssh keys:

    $ssh-keygen -t rsa
  3. Go to the folder ~/.ssh:

    $cd ~/.ssh
  4. Make sure that this folder contains the two following files:
    • id_rsa: your private key.
    • your public key.

Once you have you public/private key pair:

  1. Create an account on
  2. Log into that account.
  3. Navigate to Account SettingsSSH Keys.
  4. Add your public key to your GitHub account. You may need to add "ssh-rsa" in front of you public key file.
    That is, if your public key file contains:


    Enter the following into your GitHub account:

    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIBooijVwz//9T9irhiaJ7+/x8TXH/wcG1M329N7

Install Git

Git is a standard protocol for accessing source code. Any Git client will work, below are a few suggestions.

On Windows

  1. Download and Install msysgit. This is the core Git client developed at
  2. Download and Install TortoiseGit. This is a graphical interface to msysgit which integrates nicely into Windows Explorer.
  3. Create a folder where OpenWSN repositories will be cloned, e.g. C:\Users\my_username\Documents\openwsn.
  4. Open that folder and right-click in the empty contant, select Git Clone.
  5. In the Git Clone window:
    • Enter the Git URLs of the repository you want to clone (see list in table above).
    • Check Load Putty Key and browse to your private key.
  1. TODO
  1. TODO

On Linux

  1. Install Git. In Ubuntu, type:

    $sudo apt-get install git-core
  2. On your computer, create a folder where OpenWSN will be cloned, e.g. /home/my_user/openwsn.

  3. Navigate to this directory:

    $cd /home/my_user/openwsn
  4. Clone the repositories you want to download by entering their Git URLs (see list in table above). For example, to download the OpenWSN firmware:

    $git clone