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IoT-LAB is a open Internet of Things testbed deployed in six sites throughout France. Its goal is to serve as a testbed for experiments and applications related to the future Internet of Things. There are three types of boards in IoT-LAB. One of them is the WSN430, with two versions: WSN430-v13b and WSN430-v14, differing the radio chip.

In order to make OpenWSN run on IoT-LAB (WSN430 nodes), the WSN430 Board Support Package (BSP) - hardware-dependent source code that controls the board components (e.g. UART, radio, spi, timers) - must work perfectly. Once they are working, the Protocol Stack (which is hardware-independent) runs above it. 

This demo assumes the OpenWSN repositories are cloned and updated in your environment, and that the software required by OpenWSN is already installed. If this is not the case, follow the instructions in Download OpenWSN

This guide was prepared using

  • Part of this demo runs on IoT-LAB web interface, so it's supported by other operating systems.
  • If you don't like MSPGCC, you can use IAR Embedded Workbench