Motes in an OpenWSN network publish data to IPv6 addresses, usually over UDP, usually using CoAP formatting. An endPoint is a (new) program which you can run on the destination computer, and which parses and publishes the data it receives from the motes.
It is pure Python and lives here. The idea is:
lives at
The goal of the EndPoint is to:
- listen for packet, typically on a UDP port
- the data gets timestamped, and passed to a parser
- the parsed packet gets passed to a list of publishers
- each publisher publishes the data at it wants
An endPoint is assembled by choosing a listener, a parser and a number of publishers. Examples are:
- consists of:
- a dummy listener which (virtually) receives a 10-byte packet every second
- a parser which considers the entire UDP payload is a single field
- a publisher which writes to screen
- endPointUdpRawEpUdpRawCli.pyconsists consists of:
- a listener which listens to UDP port 610005683
- a parser which considers the entire UDP payload is a single field
- a publisher which writes to screen
The wish list for the endPoints is infinite:
If you get inspired and want to contribute, don't hesitate to contact Thomas Watteyne!