Here are the steps to track and fix an issue, create a branch, make changes, and open a PR to address comments:
1. Create an Issue
Create an issue on Github
Copy the issue number (e.g., #42) to reference in your branch name.
In your local Git repository, create a new branch from the main branch with a name that includes the issue number, e.g.,
.Code Block git checkout maindevelop git pull origin maindevelop # Ensure your main branch is up-to-date git checkout -b issue-42-fix-feature
Edit the files necessary to resolve the issue.
After making changes, add them to the staging area:
Code Block git add .
Commit the changes with a message referencing the issue:
Code Block git commit -m "Fixes #42: Describe the specific fix here"
Have all commit message start with the issue number they contribute to,
e.g. “#12. Example music code, test missing”.
You’ll see that GitHub than automatically matches commits to issues
4. Push the Branch to the Remote Repository
Once the PR is approved, merge it into the main develop branch
The linked issue will automatically close if you used keywords like "Closes #42" in your PR description.
Delete the branch if no longer needed.