### Information ### www.openwsn.org #Issue tracking https://openwsn.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa #Code @ Github https://github.com/openwsn-berkeley/ #Questions https://openwsn.atlassian.net/wiki/questions ### Where is OpenWSN in this VM? ### /home/openwsn/Desktop/openwsn/openwsn-fw /home/openwsn/Desktop/openwsn/openwsn-sw The FW folder contains the code that runs in the device (including the protocol stack from 15.4e to CoAP. The SW folder contains the code that runs in the LBR and many other helper tools. ### Useful commands ### #clone openwsn git clone https://github.com/openwsn-berkeley/openwsn-fw.git git clone https://github.com/openwsn-berkeley/openwsn-sw.git git clone https://github.com/openwsn-berkeley/coap.git #Compile the code #Compile openwsn in simulator mode cd /home/openwsn/Desktop/openwsn/openwsn-fw scons board=python toolchain=gcc oos_openwsn #see all options scons --help #Start OpenVisualizer in Simulation mode cd /home/openwsn/Desktop/openwsn/openwsn-sw/software/openvisualizer sudo scons runweb --sim firefox & #in gui mode sudo scons rungui --sim --simTopology=linear #Explore different options for the simulator scons --help check: --simCount=n Run in simulator mode with 'n' motes. --simTopology= Force a certain topology for simulation. copy-simfw: Copy files for the simulator, generated from an OpenWSN firmware build on this host. Assumes firmware top-level directory is '../../../openwsn-fw'. #Ping a mote in the simulator ping6 -s 2 bbbb::1415:92cc:0:3 #compile for openmote scons board=OpenMote-CC2538 toolchain=armgcc oos_openwsn #compile and flash openmote scons board=OpenMote-CC2538 toolchain=armgcc bootload=/dev/ttyUSB0 oos_openwsn #In copper: #manage error led #in the simulator coap://[bbbb::1415:92cc:0:2]:5683/l #in an openmote coap://[bbbb::12:4b00:60d:9f6c]:5683/l PUT 2 -- Toggle GET -- gets the status also you can execute /home/openwsn/Desktop/openwsn/openwsn-fw/openapps/cleds/cleds.py ### ECLIPSE ### 1-Open eclipse 2-Create or select your workspace folder 3-File->Import->Existing Project Into Workspace 4-Browse to /home/openwsn/Desktop/openwsn/openwsn-fw/projects/OpenMote-CC2538/Eclipse-Format 5-Accept 6-Right click on the OpenWSN project head -> select Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Environment 7-Add Environment Variable (click Add...) -> Name it SCONS with value scons --> Accept and leave properties 8-At the right of the file editor in Eclipse Click the Tab "Make Target". Unfold the list of targets 9-Double click in "oos_openwsn (clean)" then "oos_openwsn" to compile. ### USING the JTAG connect the jtag to the VM In eclipse Run -> Debug Configurations GDB Segger JLink Debugging C/C++ Application to debug /home/openwsn/Desktop/openwsn/openwsn-fw/build/OpenMote-CC2538_armgcc/projects/common/03oos_openwsn_prog ### ADDING AN APP ### for example copy and paste the cleds folder rename the folder to cleds2 rename the functions in cleds2 from cleds_ to cleds2_ compile dynamically adding the app scons board=OpenMote-CC2538 toolchain=armgcc apps=cleds2 oos_openwsn Not supported in simulator mode yet. ### Playing with the static schedule in schedule.h #define SLOTFRAME_LENGTH 11 #define SCHEDULE_MINIMAL_6TISCH_ACTIVE_CELLS 1 ### Enabling/Disabling Ch. Hopping look into IEEE802.15.4.c set ieee154e_vars.singleChannel = 0; to disable it. Set it to a channel between 11 and 26 to fix it. ### IoT Lab Guided tutorial here https://openwsn.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OW/OpenWSN+on+IoT-LAB # Test locally first with OpenMote, TelosB or any other supported mote scons board=OpenMote-CC2538 toolchain=armgcc bootload=/dev/ttyUSB0 bsp_uart use putty to open the /dev/ttyUSB0 at 115200 bps See the "Hello World!!" ##The test to the IoT Lab scons board=wsn430v14 toolchain=mspgcc bsp_uart visit http:://iot-lab.info #Start an IoT-lab experiment: Experiment name: “poipoi” Duration: 20 minutes Site: Rocquencourt Motes: 1x “wsn430:cc2420” Associate: Nodes: wsn430-xxx Profile: create one with default parameters Firmware: 01bsp_uart_prog.ihex connect over SSH to: rocquencourt.iot-lab.info nc wsn430-11 20000